Edenred cards are MasterCard cards, so payments can be made in the same way as with a bank/credit card, if the service provider allows it.
Edenred's card products work in all online stores that have an agreement with Edenred for receiving online payments. If a partner only has an agreement for receiving payments at a physical location or via Edenred Pay mobile payment, online payments cannot be made. Online stores are visible in the Merchant search under the name of the service provider (see example image below, "verkkokauppa" is online store in Finnish). Most companies that accept online payments have also added this information to their websites.
Edenred cards are MasterCard cards, so payments can be made in the same way as with a bank or credit card. In some online stores, the payment process is directed through a separate Edenred payment method if there are products in the store that fall outside the scope of the benefit. It is the responsibility of the online store to restrict payments so that only products eligible for the benefit can be in the shopping cart.
The card used for payment must be activated and valid. When the payment is made online, the card's serial number, expiration date, and CVC should be entered on the e-commerce payment form. After this, a normal payment confirmation is carried out.
The card's serial number and other information can be found in your Edenred app user account in addition to the physical card. In the details of the selected card, there is a "Settings" option. After that, select "Show card details" and enter your Edenred app login information for security reasons. The front of the card displays the serial number and expiration date. The back side has the CVC number.
A payment made as an online transaction is normally visible in your Edenred app user account under Transactions.