Is the confirmation message expired or broken? In this article, you will find solutions for different situations.
Choose the option that best suits your situation:
Confirming message has not arrived or the link is expired.
Confirming email address directs to finalizing actions on the phone or to download the new app.
The email verification link redirects back to the "Check your email" view.
Confirming email address message has not arrived or the link is expired.
Log in with your credentials to the browser version of MyEdenred. Once you are logged in, there should be a notification box where you can send yourself a new confirmation message. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
If you are not able to login to the browser version, go to the app and re-register with the same username or create a completely new username*.
In the app click on 'I have an account' -> 'Forgot password?' -> on the recover password page at the bottom, click 'Create account'. Then follow the instructions on the screen.
*We strongly recommend using a personal email address (instead of a work email). This way you'll have access to your email even during possible absences and you can always log in to the application with the same credentials, even if you change employers.
Confirming email address directs to finalizing actions on the phone or to download the new app.
1. On the phone, go to the email message and press the confirmation button long, and a browser window should open. If you are on a computer, click the confirmation button with the right mouse button and copy the link into your browser.
2. If the above does not work, log in with your credentials to the browser version of MyEdenred. Once you are logged in, there should be a notification box where you can send yourself a new confirmation message. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
3. If neither of the above tips work, then reactivate your account in the web version of MyEdenred. Before you do this, please read the instructions below carefully:
1. Go to
2. Click on the 'Activate card' button.
3. Enter the card's 10-digit activation serial number and your Finnish social security number. Virtual card's activation serial number can be found from your email, physical card's activation serial number is behind the card next to the CVC code. After this click 'Activate card'. (If you don't have your activation serial number, you can call our customer service and we can provide it to you. Due to data security we cannot provide it by email.)
4. Select the option 'Sign up' and create a new username and password and change your email address. Please note that your new username has to be different from the ones you have previously used. Meaning in this case, an email address that has never been your MyEdenred username.
5. Verify your email address through the link sent by email. If you don't verify your email address password reset messages will not arrive.
The email verification link redirects back to the "Check your email" view.
This has occurred with individual Apple users.
1. Press the Confirm button in the email you received.
2. If you see the view below, select Default browser app.
3. If you see the Check your email view again, press the Done button in the top left corner.