1. Support
  2. Beneficiary
  3. Edenred card and making payments

Where can I find my card details?

You can find your card details on your Edenred app user account.

Log in to your Edenred app account, and at the top of the front page in the benefits section, you will find all your benefits. If you have both Lounari and Virike benefits, they will be under the same card, meaning they share the same card details.

Select the wanted benefit and go to the 'Settings' menu in the upper right corner. There, you will find 'Show card details' under the General Settings section.

For security reasons, please enter your Edenred app login information.

If you have multiple benefits, please note that each benefit has its own card, and therefore its own details and validity period.

Also, remember that it doesn't matter whether the card is physical or virtual; you can find all your cards in your Edenred app account.

Note: The instructions are for the new Edenred app, so please download the new app first if you haven't done so already.