Welcome to use your new Edenred benefits

Beneficiary guide
Activation instructions
Renewed Edenred application is now available.

New Edenred app is out now!

The brand new Edenred app is available for download on Apple, Android & Huawei app stores. 

Our application offers its users an improved user experience, fresh visuals, and new features – without forgetting security.

Download our new application already today!

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Start using your benefits

Congratulations, you have received Edenred's employee benefits! Here you'll find tips for the smooth implementation of your benefits.

Download the renewed Edenred application from your app store

1. Open Edenred app

Download the free Edenred mobile application from your app store. That way, the benefits are with you, wherever you are!

In Edenred app you can:

  • Checks balance and payment transactions
  • View the expiration date of your balances
    • If the information is not available (due to your company's contract type), check the validity with your employer
  • Make load requests for your benefit (depending on your employer)
  • Add your Edenred cards to Apple Pay or Google Wallet
  • Add your personal debit or credit card to use in Wolt or Kotipizza online payments
  • Make Edenred Pay mobile payments
  • Transfer balance between benefits Virike, Transport, Massage & Wellbeing (if your employer has enabled this feature)
  • Search for merchants
  • Close your payment card if it is lost

Note! The language of the application is determined by the language settings of the phone's operating system.

2. Log in or register

After you've received your Edenred payment card(s) in your email (virtual card) or via post (physical card), get started by logging in or creating credentials to Edenred app.

  • Already have an Edenred user account? Log in with your existing credentials.
  • New Edenred user? Create new credentials with your email address as a username.*

*We strongly recommend using a personal email address (instead of a work email). This way you'll have access to your email even during possible absences and you can always log in to the application with the same credentials, even if you change employers.
Problems logging in or creating credentials? Check here for solutions.

3. Activate the card

  1. After logging in, select the card to be activated on the home page
    • Each benefit has its own payment card, which must be activated separately (excl. Lounari and Virike, which work with the same card)
  2. Enter your social security number
    • Your personal benefit has been linked to your social security number by your employer
  3. Enter the serial number of your card 
    • Physical card: You will find the activation serial number on the back of the card (a series of 10 numbers next to the CVC code)
    • Virtual card: You can find the activation serial number in the email sent by Edenred (a series of 10 numbers)
  4. Your card is now activated!
Edenred toimii Apple Paylla ja Google Paylla

4. Add your card to Apple Pay or Google Wallet

After activation, you can add your virtual or physical cards to Apple Pay or Google Wallet. This is how you conveniently pay for your employee benefits services with your phone's contactless payment.

Add card to Apple Pay

Add card to Google Wallet

Mobile payments

Load requests

Make a load request

Check with your employer whether you make a load request or if the balance will be automatically loaded into your account. If you need to make a load request to get balance, it can be done in Edenred app.

  1. Open Edenred app and select the benefit you want to make the load request for
  2. Select 'Request top-up' from the selected benefit's page
  3. Select the amount of balance to be loaded and confirm the request
  4. The benefit is loaded into your Edenred user account when your employer has approved the request

Activate the repeated load request for Lounari

Lounari is a monthly benefit that is loaded to your benefit account at the beginning of each month. If you choose yourself how much lunch benefit is loaded into your account, you can make a balance load request in Edenred app.

Activate the automatic repeat function at the same time! In this way, the amount you choose is automatically loaded into your account, and you don't have to make a separate load request every month.

If you are not sure whether you need to make a balance load request, check with your employer.

 A young woman pushing weights at the gym

You are now ready

The preparations are now done, you can start your well-being journey!

We accompany you every step of the way. Learn about your new benefits, find merchants, explore offers (FIN) and check out our best tips for using your benefits.

Psst! Always remember to mention to the service provider that you are paying for your purchase with Edenred benefits.

Beneficiary guide
Merchant search