Payment methods

Discover the most versatile payment methods on the market: mobile and card payments as well as traditional vouchers

What is your payment method?

Vouchers, payment cards, phones, smart watches...

Edenred payment methods are the most versatile on the market. The comprehensive selection of employee benefits includes many different payment options, check them out below!

> Payment cards
> Mobile payments
> Lunch and Virike vouchers

Psst! Always remember to mention to the seller, regardless of the payment method, that you are paying with Edenred's lunch benefit.

Kaksi Edenredin maksukorttia

Payment cards

Our Mastercard-based Edenred card includes a contactless payment feature and works like any bank card – depending on the service provider, also in the online store. You are always charged with the actual value of the service, within the limits set by the Tax Administration.

The Edenred card can be loaded with both lunch and Virike benefits. In addition, we offer commuting benefit users a separate virtual Edenred Transport card, which can be connected to the HSL application, for example. Also Massage and Wellbeing benefits have their own, separate virtual cards.

Our versatile payment card is valid for 2 years at a time and is available in both physical and virtual forms depending on the benefit. Virtual cards can be used for contactless payments via Google Pay or Apple Pay. Paying by card does not require a PIN code.

Mobile device with map and marked locations. Next to it is Edenred Pay, Apple Pay and Google Pay logos.

Mobile payments

Edenred is a pioneer in mobile payments. We are the only provider of employee benefits in Finland that enables payment with three popular, easy, and secure mobile payment methods: Edenred Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. All you need is a smart device!

Edenred Pay

Edenred Pay is Edenred's own mobile payment method, which enables you to use your benefits on the Edenred app. With Edenred Pay, you can pay for Lounari, Virike, Massage, and Wellbeing services.

All Edenred service providers of benefits mentioned above are able to accept Edenred Pay mobile payments. Ensure the merchant-specific payment methods from the Merchant search, you can recognize Edenred Pay from the mobile phone icon.

Pay with Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Apple Pay is a special payment method for iOS devices, which allows you to make card payments with all payment terminals that support contactless payment – you only need your smart device!

If you have e.g. iPhone (6s or newer model), iPad, or Apple Watch, you can connect your physical or virtual Edenred card to your device as a payment method. You can pay for all of our benefits services with Apple Pay.

Add card to Apple Wallet

Pay with Apple Pay

Google Pay

Google Pay is a special payment method for Android devices, which enables you to make card payments with your smart device on all payment terminals that support contactless payment!

If you have a phone or other smart device that supports the Android operating system (Android Lollipop 5.0 or later), you can connect your physical or virtual Edenred card to your device as a payment method. You can pay for all of our benefits services with Google Pay.

Add card to Google Wallet

Pay with Google Pay

Edenred's Virike voucher and Lunch voucher

Lunch and Virike vouchers

Vouchers are the most traditional payment method for employee benefits and are used to pay for lunches and sports and cultural services like cash. Please note that change is not given back when paying with vouchers.

The values of the vouchers change every year, and their validity can be checked directly in the upper corner.

Our payment methods

Lounari & Virike





Our most popular benefits include all payment solutions

Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Virtual card

Physical card

Paper vouchers


The benefit works with a virtual Transport card

Apple pay Google Pay

Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Virtual card

Physical card

Paper vouchers


This completely virtual benefit works as a mobile solution

Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Virtual card

Physical card

Paper vouchers

Edenred Wellbeing icon

This completely virtual benefit works as a mobile solution

Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Virtual card

Physical card

Paper vouchers

Lounari & Virike

Our most popular benefits include all payment solutions

Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Virtual card

Physical card

Paper vouchers


The benefit works with a virtual Transport card

Apple pay Google Pay

Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Virtual card

Physical card

Paper vouchers


This completely virtual benefit works as a mobile solution

Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Virtual card

Physical card

Paper vouchers


This completely virtual benefit works as a mobile solution

Edenred Pay

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Virtual card

Physical card

Paper vouchers