Wellbeing benefit also known as Edenred Wellbeing

Wellbeing benefit is easy way to maintain the overall health of employees.

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The wellbeing benefit supports holistic wellbeing

Edenred Wellbeing is a cost-effective and easy way to maintain the overall health of employees and to stand out in the employer market.

According to the Tax Administration's guidelines, the Wellbeing benefit can be offered to an employee in a customary and reasonable manner. Please check Edenred's payment limits. Edenred Wellbeing is a  fringe benefit and can be used for various wellness and health services.  See what the wellbeing benefit can be used for.


Tax-free benefit

Tax-free Edenred Wellbeing is a cost-effective way to engage employees.


Comprehensive network

Our merchant network includes hundreds of health care providers throughout Finland.


Modern payment methods

The wellbeing benefit works with our modern payment methods; Edenred Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.


Long validity period

Edenred's wellbeing benefit is valid for up to 2 years, the longest validity period on the market!

Mehiläinen encourages its employees to take care of their oral health

Mehiläinen wants to encourage its employees to take care of regular dental checkups and necessary dental care. See how Edenred's Wellbeing benefit encourages maintaining oral health.

Mehiläinen encourages its employees to take care of their oral health

Mehiläinen wants to encourage its employees to take care of regular dental checkups and necessary dental care. See how Edenred's Wellbeing benefit encourages maintaining oral health.

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An Edenred benefit user paying with Apple Pay

How does the wellbeing benefit work?

Edenred Wellbeing is a completely virtual employee benefit that travels with you on your smartphone. You can easily pay for wellbeing services with Apple Pay and Google Pay by adding your benefit card to the Wallet app on your smart device.

The benefit also works with our  Edenred Pay mobile payment through the Edenred application. Note! Companies themselves determine whether they will accept Edenred Pay, so check the available payment methods for each merchant in advance.

Payment methods
Woman in personal trainer coaching

What can you pay with Edenred Wellbeing?

The Edenred Wellbeing benefit can be used for healthcare services and is accepted at all health service locations within Edenred's network.  The employer defines the places where the employee can use the benefit.

Currently, our merchant network includes dental care service providers, among others. With the launch of the new benefit in July, our network is actively expanding, allowing the Edenred Health benefit to be used at an even greater number of health service locations.

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Hammaslääkäri, hammaslääkärin laitteet ja hymyilevä mies, joka istuu tuolissa

Wellbeing benefit for the employee

Edenred Wellbeing is intended for the payment of health services that maintain work ability. The benefit can be used for dental care, physiotherapy, or specialist doctor services, among others.

The employer defines the types of services for which the benefit can be used for. Therefore, check from your employer before using the benefit which services you can use it for.

When booking an appointment for the desired health service, remember to first find out which services you can pay for with your benefit. As a beneficiary, it is your responsibility to check which services are included in your benefit. At the time of the visit, tell the cashier that you want to pay for your visit using the Edenred Wellbeing benefit.

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Wellbeing benefit taxation

The Wellbeing benefit is a tax-free benefit that must be offered in a customary and reasonable manner according to the Tax Administration. The benefit must be offered collectively to the entire staff within the annual payment limits.

Furthermore, the Tax Administration advises that the employer must specify the places where the targeted payment instrument (i.e., the Wellbeing benefit) can be used. This is done through an agreement between the company ordering the benefit and the health service provider. Edenred provides a convenient tool for this, which makes creating agreements easy online.

About taxation

Flexible use of benefits

If you offer your employees the wellbeing benefit in addition to the recreational, massage, and/or commute benefits, Edenred's MyChoice feature allows for transferring balances between the benefits you have chosen. This way, employees can use their benefits even more flexibly, while taking into account the  maximum limits set by the Tax Administration. 

Activation of Edenred's MyChoice is completely free of charge and can be done by contacting us. 


Which benefit package suits your company best?


For companies of all sizes that want to offer employee benefits comprehensively.

  • Lunch benefit
  • Sports and culture benefit
  • Massage benefit
  • Commuting benefit
  • Wellbeing benefit
  • MyChoice
    The beneficiary can use MyChoice to transfer available benefit balance between sports and culture, massage, commuting and wellbeing benefits
  • Benefits valid for 24 months
  • Mobile payments; Apple Pay, Google Pay and Edenred Pay
  • Physical payment card
    If you wish, you can order a physical payment card for the lunch and sports and culture benefits
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For companies with more than 50 employees who need individual solutions.

  • Lunch benefit
  • Sports and culture benefit
  • Massage benefit
  • Commuting benefit
  • Wellbeing benefit
  • MyChoice
    The beneficiary can use MyChoice to transfer their available benefit balance between sports and culture, massage, commuting and wellbeing benefits
  • Mobile payments; Apple Pay, Google Pay ja Edenred Pay
  • Physical payment card
    If you wish, you can order a physical payment card for the lunch and sport and culture benefits
  • Billing according to usage
    Ask more about different payment methods
  • HR / payroll integration
  • Dedicated contact person
  • Guided onboarding
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Want to hear more?

Want to know more about Edenred's employee benefits? Fill out the contact form below, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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