How do I order cards for my employees?

Wether you are ordering card to all your employees for the first time or ordering a card for a new employee, this is how you do it.

If you use the Ordering Tool:

  1. Log in to the Ordering Tool.
  2. If you manage more than one company, select the company for which you want to place an order.
  3. From the Product menu, select the benefit for which you are ordering cards. Please note that if your company has more than one employee benefit, you will need to order cards for each benefit.
  4. When ordering cards for all employees, you can either fill in an Excel order form that you can use for future orders or let employees fill in their details themselves via the 'Employee orders' function.

If you are ordering a card for a new employee, click on 'Order via online form' -> 'Card order' -> 'Add new card order'. Remember to click on the 'Submit' button to send the order.

If you use the Employer Portal (voucher client or virtual lunch client for less than 20 people):

  1. Log in to the Employer Portal.
  2. To order a card, make sure that you have money in your business account. You can check and transfer the balance from the 'Transfer money' menu on the left hand side.
  3. Then select 'Employees' from the same menu.
  4. Click on 'Add employees' and enter the employee's details.
  5. Once you have entered the details of all employees you want, click 'Save and order'.