1. Support
  2. Beneficiary
  3. Changes in the employment relationship

I have an Edenred card from my previous employer. Can I use it at the same time as the new Edenred card? Or Can I transfer balances to a new card?

If you have benefit balance and an old Edenred card from your previous employer, you can use up its balances.

MyEdenred IDs, Edenred employee benefits and Edenred cards are always employer-specific. So you cannot transfer the balances of your old job to the MyEdenred account of your new job.

When you receive a card from your new employer, you must activate your new card and create new MyEdenred credentials. Since you have your own IDs for both cards, you can also use the Edenred cards offered by your former and current employer in parallel by logging into the service with each ID. We recommend that you use the old balances first so that they do not have time to expire (you can check the balances that expire within 45 days on MyEdenred) or become inactive due to the end of the employment relationship (your previous employer can determine this).

You can therefore have two cards (one from the previous and one from the new employer) in use simultaneously, but the old card and the related account and balances cannot be transferred to be managed by the new employer.