Why won't a customer's Edenred payment for a massage go through?
If the payment is not successful, please first check that the payment is made from the correct account and that you have joined to Edenred's massage network as a partner.
If the customer is unable to pay or cannot find your location in their app, please check that they are trying to pay with the Edenred massage benefit and not the sports and culture benefit. In accordance with the tax authorities' policy, only the massage benefit can be used as a means of payment for massage services. The sports and culture benefit cannot therefore be used to pay for a massage.
For the same reason, you must also have a separate contract to receive massage payments with Edenred. If you do not yet have a contract to receive Edenred massage benefit as a payment method, please join our network here. If the payment still does not go through, please contact our customer service using the contact form.