How and where can an employee use their lunch benefit?

Edenred card, Edenred Pay and Lunch vouchers™ can be used to pay in restaurants belonging to Edenred's lunch network.

The Edenred card (formerly the Ticket Lunch® card and the Ticket Duo® card), Edenred Pay and Lunch vouchers™ can be used to pay in restaurants, fast food restaurants, grocery stores, Wolt and lunch cafes all over Finland that are part of the Edenred's lunch network. An individual payment can be no more than between the maximum and minimum value according to the Tax Administration's decision on fringe benefits. You can find the current year's lunch prices here. Check out the locations of the lunch benefit in Edenred's Merchant Search.

Also read these:

Read more about Edenred's lunch benefit.
Get to know our payment methods.
How to order lunch benefit.