Payment limits for employee benefits in 2025
Categories: Employer Tips for using benefits Merchant

The Tax Administration has defined new annual values for employee benefits. Every year, Edenred also determines the new values of lunch and Virike vouchers. The new values take effect on the first day of the year.
Edenred Lounari
The lunch benefit's minimum value is 8,60 € and the maximum value is 13,70 € per working day.
Edenred's lunch voucher values for 2025 are 13,00 € and 13,70 €.
Any amount exceeding the maximum limit must be paid using another payment method. Tell the cashier how much you want to be charged from your lunch benefit and pay the remainder with another payment method.
If the payment falls below the minimum limit, we must still charge you the minimum amount according to the Tax Administration's instructions. Please note this when making lunch payments.
Edenred Virike
Sports and culture benefit's tax-free limit is 400 € / calendar year per employee.
Edenred's Virike voucher values are 10 € and 5 €.
Edenred Transport
The commuting benefit's tax-free limit is 3400 € / calendar year per employee.
Edenred Massage
The massage benefit's tax-free limit is 400 € / calendar year per employee.
Edenred Wellbeing
The wellbeing benefit's tax-free limit is 3000 € / calendar year per employee.
Do you want to learn more about the taxation of employee benefits?