Payment limits for employee benefits in 2025

Payment limits for employee benefits in 2025

The Tax Administration has defined new annual values ​​for employee benefits. Every year, Edenred also determines the new values ​​of lunch and Virike vouchers.

The new values ​​take effect on the first day of the year.

Edenred Lounari

The lunch benefit's minimum value is 8,60 € and the maximum value is 13,70 € per working day (minimum value 8,50 € and the maximum value 13,50 € in 2024).

Edenred's lunch voucher values for 2025 are 13,00 € and 13,70 € (12,80 € and 13,50 € in 2024).

Working day calendar

Edenred Virike

Sports and culture benefit's tax-free limit is 400 € / calendar year per employee.

Edenred's Virike voucher values are 10 € and 5 €.

Edenred Transport 

The commuting benefit's tax-free limit is 3400 € / calendar year per employee.

Edenred Massage 

The massage benefit's tax-free limit is 400 € / calendar year per employee.

Edenred Wellbeing

The wellbeing benefit's tax-free limit is 3000 € / calendar year per employee.


Do you want to learn more about the taxation of employee benefits?
About taxation