How does Lounari work in Wolt?

Start using Edenred Lounari in Wolt by registering as a Wolt user.

In order to use Edenred as a payment method in Wolt, you must have Edenred lunch benefit and user account in the MyEdenred application.

When you add your debit or credit card to your MyEdenred account and connect your account to Wolt, the amount exceeding the daily lunch limit will be automatically charged to your personal debit or credit card. This is how you easily pay for Wolt's orders at once. 

If you have problems adding your card, please check that you do not try to add your Edenred card but your personal debit or credit card (no AMEX card). 

If you cannot add CVC code, see instructions here. 

If you have previously used Lounari combined with Wolt credits, see here for more information.

How to connect your MyEdenred account and your credit/debit card to Wolt

  1. Open Wolt and go to your profile. Select 'Payment methods'.
  2. Select 'Edenred' under 'Other payment methods' or 'Personal'.
  3. Start connecting your accounts by entering your MyEdenred credentials.
  4. Enter the three-digit CVC code of your Edenred card.
    You can find the CVC code on the back of the physical card or by selecting Lounari -> Settings -> Card details in MyEdenred.
  5. Next, add your personal credit/debit card information under 'Add your bank or credit card' and click 'Confirm'.​   
    Please note that at this point you cannot add your Edenred card here.  An Amex credit card is not accepted as a means of payment for payments between Edenred and Wolt.
  6. Confirm adding the card by identifying yourself with your online banking credentials.
    The system verifies the transaction by charging you 1 €. The amount will be returned to your account automatically after identification.
  7. You will see the bank or credit card information you added to MyEdenred on the screen. Continue by pressing 'Confirm' and accept the terms of use of the Edenred card and Wolt by clicking 'Continue'.
  8. Ready! You can now pay for your Wolt orders at once –  the amount exceeding the lunch payment limit will be automatically charged to your added bank or credit card. Select 'Edenred' as the payment method at checkout.

In addition to the food, you can also pay for the delivery fees of the meal with your benefit. Please note that you cannot pay Wolt credits with Edenred Lounari.

Please note this if you have already previously added your Edenred card to Wolt:

If you have already added your Edenred card to Wolt's payment methods, you should still connect your MyEdenred account separately. You will then see two Edenred payment methods in Wolt.

If you want to pay your order at once  (without credits), choose Edenred as the payment method, below which you will see your MyEdenred username.
If you want to pay with Lounari and Wolt credits, select the Edenred selection as the payment method, below which you will see the sequence of numbers of your Edenred card.

If you have Wolt credits and want to use them to pay with your lunch benefit, do this:

  1. Log in or register for the Wolt service.
  2. Add the Edenred card as a payment method to your Wolt account
    Add a physical or virtual Edenred card as a payment method in your profile by selecting 'Payment methods' and 'Add new card'.
  3. Buy Wolt Credits
    If the total amount of your order exceeds the maximum limit of the lunch benefit, you can pay the excess with Wolt credits. Credits can be purchased from Wolt's gift card store.
    Please note that the lunch benefit cannot be used to buy credits. This is how you buy Wolt credits.
  4. Place an order at Wolt
    Place an order as usual and pay with your lunch benefit (and Wolt credits).