With commuting benefit you pay and travel easily

From home to the office, from the office to training, from training to the center, and back home – Edenred Transport makes traveling easy. The environment will also thank you for using public transport.

Merchant search

From home to the office, from the office to training, from training to the center, and back home – Edenred Transport makes traveling easy. The environment will also thank you for using public transport.

Edenred Transport

Commuting benefit

Did you know that a public transport user takes an average of 2000 more steps per day than a private car driver? The commuting benefit, therefore, supports both your own well-being and the well-being of the environment!

The Edenred Transport card works as a virtual payment card. The Tax Administration determines the annual tax-free value for the commuting benefit The general validity period of the benefit is 2 years.

The benefit is intended for trips between home and work, but it is not limited to time or place.

This is how your benefit works

The commuting benefit makes local commuting easy! The virtual Edenred Transport card can be added to Apple Pay and Google Pay and connected as a payment method to the HSL and VR Matkalla mobile applications.

Your virtual payment card works for numerous public transport services by adding it to Apple Pay or Google Pay. You can load your local transport travel card with your commuting benefit at e.g. R-kiosks and at HSL offices. In addition, at R-kiosks you can buy all VR commuter tickets and long-distance one-time tickets with your benefit.

Please check the applicable points of sale on the Merchant search and your nearest HSL charging point on the HSL website.

Man and woman standing on a railway station and looking at the phone

VR Matkalla application

Pay for individual, series, and season tickets conveniently with your phone and travel by train around Finland! Edenred's Transport cards can be added as a payment method to the VR Matkalla mobile application.

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The HSL application offers easy traveling in the capital region. Connect the Edenred Transport card as a payment method, find your destination in the route guide, and buy a ticket – all within the same app. The fee is charged directly from your commuting benefit. You can buy single, daily, and season tickets from the application.


Where would you like to pay with your benefit?

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