How to make your lunch menu healthier?

How to make your lunch menu healthier?

Many consumers are increasingly interested in a healthy and balanced diet. According to the food barometer conducted by Edenred in August 2024, Finns currently wish to find vegan and vegetarian food as well as local ingredients in the offerings of lunch restaurants. Additionally, as many as 82 % of consumers expect restaurant food to be healthy.

This trend is also reflected in the responses from restaurants. Of the restaurants that responded to the food barometer, 57 % reported an increase in the demand for vegan and vegetarian food, 50 % noted an increase in the demand for balanced meals, and 38 % saw a rise in the demand for local ingredients.

People are therefore seeking healthier options in lunch restaurants that utilize ingredients and recipes catering to their preferences. Our research findings confirm this, and more and more Finns believe that restaurants should offer plant-based options and fresh, local ingredients for lunch.

What is a healthy diet?

We all have different perceptions of what is healthy. However, we can agree that a salad is a healthier lunch option than a serving of fries. When discussing other meals, the classification can become more complex. There are many factors to consider, such as the amount of sugar, salt, or fat, the number of calories, and whether the food is fresh or processed.

According to the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, a healthy diet should be balanced, providing energy in proportion to consumption. Fiber-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes, should be the cornerstones of a daily diet.

Tips for a healthier and more balanced menu

Favor healthier cooking methods and fats

Choose cooking methods that require little or no added fat, such as steaming, grilling, and simmering instead of frying. This reduces the amount of fat and calories. When using fats, opt for higher-quality fats like extra virgin olive oil, and avoid oils high in polyunsaturated fats, such as sunflower oil.

When offering fatty meats or sausages, look for leaner alternatives. In the salad bar, consider offering olive oil or vinegar as dressing options alongside heavier salad dressings.

Fiber from vegetables and whole grains

Prefer whole-grain versions of pasta and bread. Utilize seasonal products and vegetables in season to easily add fiber to lunch dishes while also saving money – seasonal vegetables are often more affordable than other selections!

Pay attention to seasoning

Season foods with aromatic herbs and spices to reduce the amount of salt. Additionally, be cautious of products that are fat-free or sugar-free, as these often replace fat and sugar with various sweeteners and chemicals, making them less healthy than the original.

Offer customers choices

You don’t need to change your entire menu. Start by making small changes or offering customers a few options to choose from:

  • Ensure your lunch menu is diverse, including meat, fish, and vegetarian/vegan options.
  • For meat dishes, ensure that white meat, such as chicken or turkey, is also available.
  • Offer fiber-rich sides alongside the main dish, such as salads or roasted vegetables.
  • Make it easy to choose whole grain or rye bread instead of white bread.
  • Favor the use of fruits in desserts.
  • Remove salt shakers from dining tables.

Educate your staff on healthy foods

Inform your staff about the importance of preparing and serving healthier and more balanced meals in the restaurant. It is crucial for chefs to understand customers' desires to use healthier ingredients and transform them into tasty and appealing dishes.

By offering customers more diverse and balanced options and communicating that you use healthier cooking methods, you will meet the current demand and the preferences of Finnish lunch diners.