We support sustainable development with the power of our lunch network
Categories: Merchant
Edenred is the market leader in employee benefits, so it is particularly important for us to set an example in the field of sustainable development as well. We also want to encourage Edenred Lounari merchants to contribute to positive environmental effects through environmentally friendly choices, e.g. by offering vegetarian options and using seasonal and domestic ingredients. Delicious and healthy food is the route to daily eco-activities!
Read three easy and responsible choices for every Edenred Lounari merchant:
1. Cook from domestic ingredients
Food made from Finnish ingredients is safe and healthy. The food chain is closely monitored and regulated so that food production is as sustainable as possible. From the point of view of food quality, the health of production animals and food hygiene are also of prime importance. In addition, the quality of the food is positively affected by the clean Finnish air and water.
Choose Finnish ingredients for your menu. By supporting domestic food production, you also have a positive effect on Finnish employment. About 340,000 people work directly with Finnish food, for example in agriculture and the food industry.*
2. Pay attention to the seasons on the menu
Finland's four seasons affect the quality, taste, availability, and price of raw materials. When you offer the best vegetables and fruits of each season, your customers eat more versatile and healthier. At the same time, you test new flavors and get variety in your menu easily and cost-effectively.
Seasonal dining is also a sustainable choice, as the production of seasonal ingredients requires less energy and fertilizers.** By taking the seasons into account, you guarantee delicious and environmentally friendly meals for your customers and reduce your restaurant's carbon footprint.
3. Offer versatile vegetarian options
The popularity of a plant-based diet is constantly growing and the trend is here to stay. Operators in the restaurant industry must adapt to changes that promote the well-being of both people and the environment. A colorful diet rich in vegetables has many health benefits. Vegetables help, for example, to control blood pressure and keep cholesterol in check.***
Restaurants and cafes that offer versatile vegetarian options on their menu support their customers' healthy lifestyles. Many vegetables can be used in every part, so by serving vegetarian food, you can also prevent food waste.
We support sustainable development
Edenred supports sustainable development in the biggest and smallest steps, and the values of sustainable development guide our operations now and in the future, both through small daily actions and global responsibility projects. Together with you and our other tens of thousands of partners, we can create a better everyday life. At the same time, we support sustainable development, encourage healthy lifestyles and increase overall well-being. Together we are more.
*Hyvää Suomesta (20.12.2021)
**Ruokatieto (20.12.2021)
*** Ravitsemuspassi (20.12.2021)