Artsi sells wellbeing solutions to companies

Artsi sells wellbeing solutions to companies

Our colleague Artjom, better known as Artsi, joined the Edenred sales team in 2018. Over the years, Artsi has gained experience in sales, customer relationship management and the importance of employee benefits and rewards. In sales, Arts is fascinated by working with people and is particularly passionate about working for wellbeing.

Solutions for overall well-being

Artsi aloitti myyntityöt Edenredillä keväällä 2018. Kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan koulutusohjelmasta valmistumisen jälkeen hän hankki työkokemusta markkinoinnin ja myynnin tehtävissä. Työsuhde-etujen maailmassa kauppa on käynyt hyvin – ensin puhelinmyynnin puolella ja nykyisin asiakkuuspäällikkönä. Myyntityö Edenredillä on Artsille mieleistä juuri tuotevalikoiman monipuolisuuden vuoksi. Artsi kertoo asiakkaille päivittäin sekä työsuhde-eduista että yritysasiakkaiden keskuudessa suuren suosion saavuttaneista Delicard®-lahjakorteista. 

Artsi started working in Edenred sales team in spring 2018. After graduating from the International Business degree programme, he gained work experience in marketing and sales. In the world of employee benefits, business has been good - first on the telesales side and now as an account manager. The variety of the product range is what Artsi likes about working in the Edenred sales team. Employee benefits and the Delicard® gift cards, which have become very popular with corporate customers, are at the heart of his sales work and he talks about them every day to customers.

"My starting point with clients is to find out how to encourage, thank and reward their employees in a comprehensive way. With my clients, I usually focus on finding solutions more broadly than on specific benefits and individual needs."

Good attitude and a personality to fit the sales job

As an account manager, your days are largely spent with people. Of course, there is also some independent work in between, such as preparing for meetings and reporting. In addition to customer management and new business acquisition, Artsi works closely with colleagues in marketing and product management, for example.

"I feel that in this role I do much more than I sell. Everything I do is linked to the wider goals of the team and the company. The Edenred benefits really do have a positive impact on people's daily lives and that's what makes my job particularly rewarding."

A workplace that encourages success

At Edenred, Artsi values teamwork and good humour. The company invests in both time spent together in the office and in leisure activities in the form of a wide range of events. According to Artsi, this is reflected in everything we do:

"We really know each other. We have lunch, help each other in the office and remotely, catch up. It's really important for me personally, and it has a big impact on work motivation."

Artsi sums up the best aspects of sales work:

"I've always enjoyed achieving goals. It's a great feeling to get deals done and to help people feel better!"