Top 10 - the sports and culture benefit
Categories: Tips for using benefits

We researched which are the most popular places for Edenred Virike, the sport and culture benefit in Finland. Can you find your favourite places on the list?
60% of employed Finns receive a sports and culture benefit from their workplace, making it the most common employment benefit in Finland. We found out which were the most popular places to use the Edenred Virike benefit in 2023, with entertainment and cultural events, water sports facilities and ski resorts making the top 10 list.
Entertainment with the Virike benefit
Buying tickets to various entertainment events was the most popular use of Virike in 2023, with Tiketti being the most popular ticketing service. Going to the cinema was also favored by the Virike users, as Finnkino climbed to second place. The Museum Card, a favourite of culture lovers, was the fourth most popular place to use the Virike benefit. The popularity of the Museum Card has grown exponentially, contributing to an increase in museum visits to 5.1 million.
The Virike benefit is used to purchase cultural and entertainment experiences: films, concerts, festivals, theatres, museum visits and other events enrich everyday life and provide unforgettable memories.
Water sports and ski resorts
Water sports are clearly close to the hearts of many Finns. The Mäkelänrinne swimming and sports hall in Helsinki, the Flamingo Spa in Vantaa and the Leppävaara swimming pool in Espoo are popular water sports venues that have been ranked top in terms of usage. In addition to water sports, ski resorts are the icing on the cake for Finns. This shows how much Finns value winter sports and how the Virike benefit supports an active lifestyle.
Is the Virike benefit new to you? Check the instructions on how to get started.
Virike Top 10 Finland
- Ticket shop Tiketti
- Cinema chain Finnkino
- Ticket office Lippupiste
- Museum card
- Swimming and Sports Hall UH Mäkelänrinne in Helsinki
- Ticketmaster
- Flamingo Spa in Vantaa
- Leppävaara Swimming Pool in Espoo
- Levi Ski resort
- Ruka ski resort
Virike top 10 Helsinki
- Swimming and Sports Hall UH Mäkelänrinne
- Finnkino Tennispalatsi
- Urheilutalo Vuosaari
- Stockmann Helsinki
- Urheiluhallit Töölö
- Finnkino Itis
- Allas Sea Pool
- Ateneum
- Urheiluhalli Malmi
- Finnkino Kinopalatsi
Virike top 10 Southwest Finland
- Turku City Sports Center
- Impivaaran tenniscenter
- Ulpukka Swimmin center
- Finnkino Kinopalatsi
- Stockmann Turku
- Kilosport
- Bo Arena
- Naantali Spa
- Ispoinen sauna
- AuraBiljardi
Virike top 10 Pirkanmaa
- Finnkino Plevna
- Kangasala swimming hall Kuohu
- Tampere swimming center
- Tampere Tennis center
- Vapriikki Museum Centre
- Tampere hall tickets
- Rauhaniemi Folk Spa
- Stockmann Tampere
- Kauppi Sports Center
- Tampereen Kiipeilykeskus
Virike top 10 Central Finland
- Himos
- Peurunka
- AaltoAlvari Swimming center
- Finnkino Fantasia
- Wellamo Swimming hall
- Sports and wellbeing center Buugi
- Ski resort Laajis
- Koskikara Swimming hall
- Riihivuori Resort
- Liikuntakeskus Klub1
Virike top 10 Oulu
- Nallisport
- Elokuvateatteri Star
- Fitclub Finland
- Finnkino Plaza
- City Biljard
- Oulun keilahalli
- Oulun kiipeilykeskus
- Exit Oulu Uusikatu
- FUN Oulu Ritaharju
- FUN Oulu Talvikangas
The Virike benefit supports a wide range of sporting and cultural activities. Both sport and culture are important to Finns, with 75% of the benefits being spent on sport and 25% on culture.
Where would you like to use Virike next? Take a look at all the places in our network.