Edenred Lounari
Top 5 questions
Activating card and enabling benefits
Edenred app
Edenred card and making payments
Apple Pay and Google Pay
Edenred Pay
Edenred Lounari
Edenred Virike
Edenred Massage
Edenred Transport
Edenred Wellbeing
Changes in the employment relationship
Top 5 questions
Ordering and enabling employee benefits
Ordering tool and system integration
Employer Portal
Payment methods
Edenred Lounari
Edenred Virike
Edenred Massage
Edenred Wellbeing
Edenred Bike
Top 5 questions
Joining the network
Merchant portal
Receiving payments
Payment settlements, reimbursing and billing
Online payments
Edenred Lounari
Edenred Virike
Edenred Massage
Edenred Wellbeing
Edenred Pay mobile payment
Delicard® gift cards
Buying gift cards
Redeeming gift cards
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Edenred Lounari
Top 5 questions
Activating card and enabling benefits
Edenred app
Edenred card and making payments
Apple Pay and Google Pay
Edenred Pay
Edenred Lounari
Edenred Virike
Edenred Massage
Edenred Transport
Edenred Wellbeing
Changes in the employment relationship
Top 5 questions
Ordering and enabling employee benefits
Ordering tool and system integration
Employer Portal
Payment methods
Edenred Lounari
Edenred Virike
Edenred Massage
Edenred Wellbeing
Edenred Bike
Top 5 questions
Joining the network
Merchant portal
Receiving payments
Payment settlements, reimbursing and billing
Online payments
Edenred Lounari
Edenred Virike
Edenred Massage
Edenred Wellbeing
Edenred Pay mobile payment
Delicard® gift cards
Buying gift cards
Redeeming gift cards
Hi employee! Here you can find support in using your Edenred benefits.
What can you buy with the lunch benefit at the grocery store?
How do I pay with Edenred Pay mobile payment?
Top 5 questions
I cannot register or log into the new Edenred app.
I cannot confirm my email address to the Edenred app
How do I make a load request or turn off the automatic request for lunch benefit?
Where can I check my balance amount and expiring balances?
Activating card and enabling benefits
How do I activate my card?
Where can I find the activation serial number of my card?
I have not received the Edenred card that was ordered for me, what should I do?
How do I start using the benefits on my new phone?
How long are the balances of Edenred's employee benefits valid?
Where can I see the ongoing error messages?
Can't log in to the Edenred app, what should I do?
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Edenred app
How can I turn off the automatic repeat function of the balance load request?
My balance hasn't loaded. What do I do?
Where can I see my Edenred card transactions?
On which devices and browsers the Edenred app doesn't work?
Why does the Edenred app log me out?
Why can't I find the merchant the Edenred app?
What is the automatic repeat function?
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What is MyChoice and how does it work?
Why can't I transfer balance with MyChoice?
Edenred card and making payments
I have lost my Edenred card, what do I do?
Where and how can I use Edenred's payment methods?
Do I need a PIN code to pay with my Edenred card?
Do I need to sign the receipt when I pay with my Edenred card?
How do I know which payment methods the service provider accepts?
I would like to pay for a service covered by my employee benefits, but the service provider does not accept Edenred payment methods?
I have been charged twice. What should I do?
Why is my Edenred card not working?
My name has changed, how do I get a new Edenred card?
Where can I find my card details?
How do I buy or renew the Museum Card?
Can I use my benefits during parental/study leave?
What are the payment limits for employee benefits?
Can Edenred benefits be used to pay abroad?
How long are Edenred cards valid?
How do I pay in an online store?
How do I contact customer service?
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Apple Pay and Google Pay
What is Apple Pay, how do I use it and how do I make payments with it?
What is Google Pay, where can it be used and how do I add my card to Google Wallet?
Where can I pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay?
Which Edenred's payment cards can be added to Apple Pay or Google Wallet?
Why can't I add Edenred payment card to Google Wallet or Apple Pay?
How do I make Edenred card payments with my Apple Watch?
How many Apple or Android devices can I add my Edenred payment cards to?
How do I remove my card from Google Wallet?
Whom should I contact for questions about Google Pay?
Whom do I contact for questions about Apple Pay?
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Edenred Pay
How do I prove a mobile payment to the merchant?
What do I do if Edenred Pay does not work at a location I want to use?
Edenred Lounari
How does Lounari work in Wolt?
I can't add my Edenred card to Wolt/Kotipizza, it says invalid CVC.
How and where can Edenred Lounari be used?
I accidentally paid a lunch payment below the Tax Administration's minimum value and I want to cancel it, what should I do?
My meal costs more than the maximum value of the lunch benefit, what do I do?
How do I spend my entire lunch benefit so that it doesn't fall below the minimum payment limit?
My meal cost less than the minimum value of the lunch benefit, why was I still charged that amount?
Can I use the lunch benefit to pay home delivery fees for food?
Can I use Edenred Lounari to pay for Wolt credits?
Can I pay for my Wolt order with paper lunch vouchers?
Where do I contact for questions about Wolt?
How much money will I save by using my lunch benefit?
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Edenred Virike
For what can Edenred Virike be used?
Are there any payment limits for the Virike benefit?
How can I pay for a sports or cultural service covered by an employee benefit if I do not have enough balance in my MyEdenred account?
Can I use my Virike benefit to pay for movie tickets online?
Can the Virike benefit be used for online or remote trainings?
How do I pay for event tickets sold online with Virike benefit?
What should I do if I have paid for an event with Virike but it is cancelled or I can't attend?
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Edenred Massage
What services can the massage benefit be used for?
Can I use Edenred Virike for massage services?
How can I pay for a massage service if I don't have a enough balance in my MyEdenred account?
Can the sports and culture benefit be used to pay for massage services?
Can massage benefit be used to pay for physiotherapy services?
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Edenred Transport
Where and how can I use my commuting benefit?
I can't add my Edenred Transport card to HSL application, what should I do?
How do I add my card to the HSL app and what tickets can I buy?
Can commuting benefit be used to pay for VR tickets?
Can commuting benefit be used to load value on the HSL card?
Where can I use my HSL mobile ticket?
How do I purchase the auto-renewing saver subscription ticket by HSL?
How do I use Edenred Transport for city bikes?
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Edenred Wellbeing
Can I get Kela reimbursement for health care visits paid with Edenred Wellbeing benefit?
How do I pay with Wellbeing benefit?
What services are included in the Wellbeing benefit?
Changes in the employment relationship
I have an Edenred card from my previous employer. Can I use it at the same time as the new Edenred card? Or Can I transfer balances to a new card?
Can I use my employee benefits if I have been laid off?
What should I do when my employment ends?